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Our Work in Utah

What the farmers are saying

“I’m looking to my own Senators Mitt Romney and Mike Lee to give this issue the attention it needs and to let Senators Crapo and Bennet know that they are eager to work with them on passing new agriculture workforce solutions.”

Bob WorsleyAmerican Business Immigration Coalition Co-Chair, Utah native, former Republican Arizona State Senator and ZenniHome LLC founder

“Dairy farming is a year-round process. Animal care is not a simple task. People come to a farm requiring much training, so it’s important to keep them. This is a federal issue. I would encourage both Utah Senators Romney and Lee to get involved in this. They have an opportunity to solve this. We can make this happen.”

Mike KohlerDairy farmer and Utah State Representative (R - Utah House District 54)

“Often politics and policy-making is full of compromise, weighing wins and losses among various constituencies. But when it comes to allowing more agricultural workers, this is one of those rare issues that is a win for the farmers and ranchers who need employees, a win for individuals who need work and a win for people who like to eat.”

Derek MillerSalt Lake Chamber President and CEO

What the Utah press is saying

Watch the press conference.