Our Work in Texas
What the farmers are saying
“Our elected officials have kicked the farm labor can down the road for far too long, meaning that producers are being put out of business and consumers are paying the price. That’s why we’re demanding that the Senate take action and help protect the nation’s food supply.”
Bret EricksonLittle Bear Produce Senior Vice President of Business Affairs
“We’re urging our Texas Senators Cornyn and Cruz to support Senators Crapo and Bennet in passing farm labor reform in the Senate.”
Gerry GarciaMcAllen Chamber of Commerce Director of Public Policy and Government Affairs
“We implore our elected officials to do something to help address this crisis. Food prices are climbing due to inflation. Our farmers are in jeopardy—and the U.S. consumer is going to see their food prices go even higher. That’s why we call on our U.S. Senators from Texas, John Cornyn and Ted Cruz, to express support for these efforts and make the Senate version.”
Dante GaleazziTexas International Produce Association President & CEO