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Social Media Toolkit

Social Media Tool Kit


Purpose/Call To Action:

On November 14, 2023, partner organizations and advocates will host thousands at the National Here to Work Day of Action in Washington, D.C. Immigrant leaders applaud the administration for granting work permits to half a million Venezuelan migrants this past September. This was an important first step for our economy and for our families. Now, hundreds of advocates, organizations, and political leaders from both sides of the aisle are calling on the President to take the next step and grant work permits for long-term immigrant workers and spouses of American citizens who have worked and paid taxes for decades.

We are demanding that the Administration extend work permits to ALL immigrants regardless of their status. Undocumented immigrants are exclaiming that they are HERE TO WORK! It is time! Include us!

Join the campaign! Here to Work — American Business Immigration Coalition Action (

We are asking President Biden to:

Expand PAROLE for long-term immigrant contributors, including DREAMERS

without DACA,, spouses of American citizens, and long-term workers.

Expand Temporary Protected Status (TPS) and Deferred Enforced Departure.


Since February 2023, the Here to Work Coalition has rallied more than 350 businesses, Republican and Democratic governors, and Members of Congress to urge the Biden Administration to expand work permits for long-term immigrant contributors already in the U.S. and new migrants arriving at the border – including through the use of parole under the significant public benefit provisions of current law, humanitarian parole, TPS redesignation, and Deferred Enforced Departure (DED). Taking bold, humane, common-sense action makes sense on its merits and is politically popular. As laid out in an upcoming memo by American Families United, Immigration Voters –

U.S. citizen adults living with undocumented immigrants – are a force in swing states. Common-sense, humane action on immigration is their top priority.

American Business Immigration Coalition Action


  1. Copy and paste the suggested social media posts or develop your own customized posts to share out the content.
  2. Add the hashtags #HeretoWork #HTW #AquiYTrabajando #AYT #WorkPermitsForAll WorkPermits4All #WP4A #PermisosParaTodos #PPT when uploading your pictures or videos onto any social media platforms and engage with us via your personal or organizational accounts.
  3. If you’re attending the day of action, use the locator option to geotag the location of the rally (e.i) Washington, D.C., The White House, Lafayette Park, Franklin Park.
  4. Follow all associated partners to be kept up to date with information.
  5. Share any posts from partners (see list below) to get more information to circulate.
  6. Tag partners that are present at the rally (see list below).
  7. Tag your local elected officials and ensure they are actively joining the fight to ensure ALL immigrants are granted the work permits they deserve.

Twitter RollOut: November 9, November 13, November 2023

On November 9, 13, and 14, 2023, all organizations are encouraged to participate in a tweet rollout.

The Twitterstorm will start at 12 PM EST ( 11 AM CST, 10 AM MST, 10 AM PST) with ABIC leading the tweets. Please make sure that you are retweeting/reposting the tweets of other partner organizations. (See list below)

Use the graphics below and the following tweets. **Keep in mind that there is a 280- character max on Twitter; create a Twitter thread to send out the information.**

Graphics: (See below to copy/paste graphics)

American Business Immigration Coalition Action

Tweets :

November 9, 2023

We are 5 days away from coming together and urging @POTUS to extend #WorkPermitsForAll

In 5 days, thousands of advocates, immigrant community leaders, and business leaders to rally in D.C to urge @POTUS to extend #workpermitsforall. Join the national campaign:

November 13, 2023

Join us tomorrow as we rally to urge @POTUS to extend #WorkPermitsForAll Tomorrow is the big day! Join us in the national campaign to get #WorkPermitsForAll

November 14, 2023

Today’s the day we rally to urge @POTUS to extend #workpermitsforall We will see you all at Franklin Park. at 11 am! #WorkPermitsForAll

Please use #WorkPermitsForAll for this Twitterstorm (#PermisosParaTodos if you are tweeting in Spanish) ** We suggest taking videos and behind-the-scenes footage the day of the rally and tweet them out as well using the hashtag!**

SUGGESTED CAPTIONS (for Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook): We encourage you to translate to your preferred language.

Join us, partner organizations, elected officials, community members, immigrant leaders, and immigrant workers to urge @POTUS and the administration that all immigrant are here to work and demand #workpermitsforall! || Únase a nosotros, organizaciones asociadas, funcionarios electos, miembros de la comunidad, líderes inmigrantes y trabajadores inmigrantes, para exigirle a Presidente Biden que todos los inmigrantes están aquí para trabajar!

@POTUS We demand to be recognized as people who have been here working, and will continue to work! We are here to work! || ¡Exigimos ser reconocidos como personas que han estado aquí trabajando, y seguirán trabajando! ¡Estamos aquí para trabajar!

We have been here in the shadows for far too long! We need our voices to be heard. @POTUS We are HERE TO WORK! || ¡Hemos estado aquí en las sombras durante demasiado tiempo! Necesitamos que nuestras voces sean escuchadas. ¡Estamos AQUÍ PARA TRABAJAR!

Join us in Washington D.C to demand the @POTUS and the Administration to hear our plea and demand #workpermitsforall. We are here to work, and demand justice for our immigrant community. Enough is enough! || Nos reuniremos en Washington

D.C. para exigir que la Administración Biden escuche nuestra petición de exigir permisos de trabajo. Hemos estado aquí para trabajar y exigir justicia para nuestra comunidad inmigrante. ¡Suficiente es suficiente!

American Business Immigration Coalition Action

SUGGESTED POSTS FOR DAY OF ACTION: (Please see attached files)


Download the images attached to upload onto your social media accounts. Please copy the link for registration:

Posting on social media:

Please tag all community and immigrant organizations in your posts! We want to hear your stories and experiences.


Follow the ‘How To Get Involved’ steps in order to know how to post on social media.



ABIC Action

The Resurrection Project American Families United National Immigrant Law Center Hispanic Federation

NAIMA – North American Institute for Mexican Advancement Southwest Organizing Project (SWOP)

Voces Unidas de la Montaña

NALCAB – National Association for Latino Community Asset Builders La Colmena

Poder Latinx

U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

Texas Association of Mexican American Chambers of Commerce (TAMACC) Arkansas United

New York Immigration Coalition


CASA – @casa4all

ABIC Action – @american_bic

The Resurrection Project – @resurrectionproject American Families United – @americanfamiliesunited National Immigrant Law Center – @nilc

Hispanic Federation – @hispanic_federation

NAIMA – North American Institute for Mexican Advancement – N/A Southwest Organizing Project (SWOP) – @swoporg

Voces Unidas de la Montaña – @vocesunidasorg

American Business Immigration Coalition Action

Instagram (cont.):

National Association for Latino Community Asset Builders – @nalcab La Colmena – @lacolmenanyc

Poder Latinx – @poder_latinx

U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce – @TheUSHCC

Texas Association of Mexican American Chambers of Commerce (TAMACC) – @TAMACC1975

Arkansas United –@ARimmigrants

New York Immigration Coalition – @thenyic



CASA For All ABIC Action

The Resurrection Project American Families United National Immigrant Law Center Hispanic Federation

NAIMA – North American Institute for Mexican Advancement Southwest Organizing Project (SWOP)

Voces Unidas de la Montaña

NALCAB – National Association for Latino Community Asset Builders La Colmena

Poder Latinx

U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

Texas Association of Mexican American Chambers of Commerce (TAMACC) Arkansas United

New York Immigration Coalition



CASA – @CASAforall

ABIC Action – @AmericanBIC

The Resurrection Project – @TRPistas American Families United – @amerifamsunited National Immigrant Law Center – @NILC Hispanic Federation – @HispanicFed

NAIMA – North American Institute for Mexican Advancement – N/A Southwest Organizing Project (SWOP) – N/A

Voce Unidas de la Montaña – @vocesunidasorg

National Association for Latino Community Asset Builders – @NALCAB La Colmena – @lacolmenanyc

Poder Latinx – @poderlatinx

U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce – @USHCC

Texas Association of Mexican American Chambers of Commerce (TAMACC) – @TAMACC

Arkansas United – @ARimmigrants

New York Immigration Coalition – @thenyic

American Business Immigration Coalition Action


All graphics can be found here.